Monday, October 18, 2010

Extra Credit

During our lesson on pioneers, an interesting side conversation developed. Some students began expressing their desire to leave Queens. So that gave me an idea for this extra credit.

Answer the following question in 2 paragraphs for +5 on the next test:

Where would you want to move to? Why

(or if you don't want to leave Queens)

Why do you want to stay in Queens? Is there anywhere else you would consider moving to?

Deadline: Friday, Oct. 22


  1. I want to move out queens and go to another place to live, because i m getting tired of queens and there is nothing to do in queens anyway. i want to move to brookly, because there has more place to hang out and move easy to find a job. even know everyone want to stay with there friends and hang out with them. but times is going fast with something to do and time goes slow if u just sit there and wait for somebody to ask you to hang out with them.

  2. If I was financially supported or had the chance to, I would definitely move to Japan. In New York or even the U.S we all surrounded by diversity, yet all the diversity revolves around one language English. I would like to move somewhere new where the culture is different from the everyday Americans. The surroundings would be different yet not so alienated. Tokyo, Japan is somewhat similar to New York City, yet at times totally different. Ever since I was little I was afraid of living in a suburban area. I don't think I would ever enjoy living isolated from population, so being in Japan would be perfect for me as long as I'm not in the countryside. Being able to live there and speak another language and to experience their culture would just be enjoyable life.

  3. I dont want to move from Queens because my whole life i lived in Queens and most of my family is here and all my friends.I enjoy the area i live at but if i ever considered moving it would probably be to California because i have some family there and i like the environment there and the weather.

  4. 1. I wouldnt mind moving the manhattan mainly because there so much more things that you can do in new york city . Even tho queens is the biggest borough of them all it seems as if stuff here is very limited .
    2. Only way i would stay in queens is because i have alot of friends that i care for . not very much family and if so im pretty sure i can see them whenever i want holidays or other occassions.

  5. The reason why i would move out queens is to get away from family and just be alone and just relax in the city. Queens is getting boring and i would like to see what else is out there, and i think the city is the perfect place is start a new life.

    The reason i would like to move to Manhattan is because i want to be close to central park, the museums and i also want to experience the city life. I also think that moving to the city would make me more independent because there a lot of things i could do in the city that i wont be able to do in queens.

  6. I grew up in queens since I was only 5 years old. I'm used to the loud streets and cars. I wouldn't want to move from here simply because I'm used to this place. I feel awkward in a new state or area. Life in a different place other than New York City would be very different.

    I'm used to the public transportation system here. In a different area, it's hard to understand. For example, when i was using the French transportation system with my cousins, i got lost in Paris. This is the main reason why i wouldn't move.

  7. As much as i dislike Queens, i wouldn't be able to see myself move anywhere else. i am a city girl, i need to keep myself busy. if i were to move anywhere else i would get bored of doing the same thing over and over again, especially the suburbs. New York is full of entertainment and everyday is like a new adventure exploring new things and places. its filled with lights and variety of new faces. there is always something to do. therefore, i wouldn't see myself moving anywhere else. unless i get old and retire then Miami wouldn't sound so bad. but for now am going to stick to Queens.

  8. if i was given the opportunity to move from queens i would consider moving to Atalanta Georgia or London.

    i would go to georgia for a few reasons, one being that some of my family moved down there and the other reason is the public image of Georgia. a lot of movies play georgia as this great place for college, dancing, and stepping and i would love to experience it my self.

    the second place I would move too would be London because both my parents were born there and I've been there a few times and i love it. my family is really huge there and there is always something new to do.

  9. I do not want to move away from queens. why, because Queens is diverse with many cultures. I was born in queens too, its like if someone forced you to move you would say no too. I like queens because i know the place, i know where im going i wont get lost. i meet different people also as in race. there's many types of food such as spanish food, chinese food, indian food, american food, etc. in queens all my friends are there so yea i wouldnt want to move away from queens.

  10. i, personaly, dont want to ever leave queens! ive never lived anywhere other than queens my intire life. all of my best memories have taken place in queens, all my friends are here, and most of my family. plus, i pretty much kno queens like the back of my hand, i dont kno anywhere else the way i kno queens.
    the only other place i would consider moving to would be italy, and i wouldnt even want to move there perminantly. i would move there for about a year or so just to get in touch with my roots, but then, of course, i'd find my way right back to queens!!

  11. i would never want to leave queens ever, i have been in queens my entire life, i know it very well and have a lot of experiences and memories right here. i know this place very well and am extremely comfortable here. but nevertheless, times are changing. we live in a constantly evolving world.
    it really depends on where i get a job, where i find a place to live. but if i had a choice i would either go to manhatten or miami, maybe california. i am accustomed to city life and i hate suburban life, for example a place like long island, i cannot live out there at all.
