Monday, October 4, 2010

Homework- 10/4-5/10

Select 2 amendments from the U.S. Bill of Rights and explain the importance of each one.

Answer in at least 2 paragraphs. 


  1. The first amendment allows citizens to speak and express their views without concern of retribution against them by the elected government. In some countries, you cannot question the government for fear of your life! Here, even if we disagree with the elected officials, we are protected and allowed to express that disagreement. This goes back to a time when royalty ruled most nations and the United States was ruled by Great Britain. Under that rule at that time the colonists could not gather to discuss or disagree with rules and laws forced upon them by the British crown. As a type of government, the freedoms given to us by the constitution were and are revolutionary.

    The second amendment does not grant, but rather protects the unalienable right of the people to own MILITARY weapons.The rifles the Founders used to kick the British back into the Atlantic were the technological precursors to the assault rifles our military uses today.That was the intention. Whatever national armies have access to, the people should have access to as well, otherwise they can be too easily enslaved.

  2. ------I find the first amendment very important because without it, we wouldn't have freedom of speech. Therfore without freedom of speech, we wouldn't be able to express our feelings appropriately. Also it allows us to form an assembly.
    ------I also find the third amendment(Protection of Quartering of Troops) very important because without that. We would have to support and or harbor the troops whenever they showed up at our doorstep.

  3. Two ammendments from the bill of rights that showed importance was Freedom of Speech and the Right of search and seizure rgulated. Freedom of speech was important cause it gave a right to people to say what they believed in and what they thought was right aslong as it wasnt verbal abuse. The fifth amendment was Right of search and seizure which was important it cause it gave their people the right to their belongings as long as they did not use it to slander something and could noy be taken from them without a warrant.

  4. The Quartering Act of 1764 was actually the led to the creation of Amendment III. Amendment III states that no soldier shall be quartered by any house unless it's to the consent of the owner. It is important because with our economy getting worse and worse, no one has the time or money to be forced to shelter a soldier in time of need. We as citizens are given our own freedom, which means we do have the freedom to say no. It is unjust for anyone to be forced to quarter a soldier without their own consent.

    Amendment IV states that we have the right to keep everything personal and not be obligated to have anyone unreasonably search/seize our belongings or property unless on probable cause. This amendment is very important because it protects every inanimate that belongs to us. Without this a police officer or anyone can abuse their power for their own needs.

  5. out of all the amendments that was made for us I believe that the 1st amendment (Freedom of religion, speech, the press, assembly, petition) is the most important followed by the 7th amendment (the right to a trial by a jury).

    the 1st amendment is giving each and every american citizen the right of religion, speech, the press, assembly, petition. we deserve that because we should be allowed to express ourselves to the public and not have to worry about being sentenced like countries in Europe. the 7th amendment is just as important because no matter what the case it will allow the right of a trial by a jury and this has saved many because of false accusations by the law enforcers.

  6. no excessive bail or cruel punishment,the no excessive bail its the freedom of speech it is important because thats the rule for people to speak up for themselve people felt respected when they have the right to spreak up. cruel punishment is the part of the United States Bill of Rights which prohibits the federal government from imposing excessive bail, excessive fines or cruel and unusual punishments

  7. The 1st amendment is very important. The reason it is important is because it allows us to express ourselves verbally and literally. Without it we wouldn't be able to speak our minds to each other. It also will not let us criticize the government when it needs criticism.
    The 2nd amendment is also very important. It enables us to be able to bear arms. Without this right we would not be able to protect ourselves and our families from harm.

  8. The first amendment that I think is important is the 1st amendment-Freedom of Speech,Press,Religion, and Petition because it protects our right to choose religion, our freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, and limit the right to peaceably assemble. This means we have the right to choose our religion and also to comment or protest on anything we want.

    The second amendment that I also think is important is the 5th amendment-Provisons concerning prosecution because it gives you the right to stand up for urself and either say what you want or not say anything at all. Without the 5th amendment and other the government could remove citizens of human rights and freedoms.

  9. the second amendment states "the rightr of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." this is important because in history if this amendment didnt exist, the u.s. would have lost alot of battles and possibly some wars that we ended up winning with the big help of private malitias. it also, present day, gives people peace of mind knowing that they and their families are protected.

    the eighth amendment says "excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed." i belive this is very important to me because i have many friends that are out on bail right now that are expecting to do a nice amount of time in prison after trial. if this amendment didnt exist then istead of 10 or 20 thousand dollars bail, the court would have not cared and gave them a million dollars bail and then they wouldnt be able to see their friends or family, free, until they finished serving their years.

  10. I decided to discuss the 1st amendment and the 6th amendment.I can't express how important the 1st amendment is. It simply states that we have freedom of speech, freedom of press, and the right to petition. this means we are allowed to express our thoughts freely.

    The 6th amendment is also very important. It calls for trial by jury. It also concerns rights of the accused and the right to counsel. It calls for a just trial for the accused. It's all about being innocent til proven guilty.

  11. The first amendment is very important because it allows freedom of religion,speech,the press,assembly,and petition. It's important because without it poeple wouldn't be able to express their opinions.There would be no right to have beliefs and your opinions would not be valuable. Everyone should have the right to say what they need to say without being afraid.Newspapers would not exist without this

    The third amendment is important also which bans the force quartering of soldiers.Back in the days soldiers were aloud to go in to anyones home and maintain there until they felt it was time for them to leave.This puts the residents in the homes in danger beacause the opposing side could come in to their homes and kill them for giving them shelter.Now we have the right to not allow this to happen we are not forced in to letting them in.

  12. First Amendment -Freedom Of Speech; As Citizens we should have the right to speak our mind and comment on conflicts that happen throughout the world .

    Fourth Amendment - Protection from unreasonable search and seizure ; This Amendment is also important because people should Have the right to protect their homes , papers and personal documents.

  13. The Ninth Amendment (Amendment IX) to the United States Constitution, which is part of the Bill of Rights, addresses rights of the people that are not specifically enumerated in the Constitution.The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, should not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
    The Tenth Amendment was written to reassure the states that they would remain largely in charge within their own borders. Until the mid-19th century, the Tenth Amendment was often cited by state governments to prevent Federal regulation of everything from taxation to interstate commerce. Since 1837, however, various rulings have mitigated the straightforward meaning of the Tenth Amendment, and such matters as a Federal income tax were subsequently upheld in the courts.
    The nineth amendment , when combined with the Tenth Amendment, has the potential for special judicial bite. . When the Ninth Amendment is combined with the Tenth Amendment, the effect is that residents of a state have certain enumerated rights, although they are not enumerated in the U. S. Constitution, that the federal government must respect in any matters to which both the Ninth and Tenth Amendments extend. Even if one thinks the Ninth Amendment is weak on its own, it has the potential for important effects when combined with other amendments.

  14. Jp

    The first amendment of the bill of rights gives people the right of freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of religion. This is very important to the people because they can now say what they wish, believe in which religion they choose, and have the right to gather. Before this amendment the government use to control people’s lives and had most of the power. This amendment is very useful because it gives people the opportunity to live life of their choosing and gives them certain rights.

    The third amendment of the bill of rights states that a soldier in time of peace or war could not stay at a homeowners house without his consent. The government just can’t let soldiers stay in ones house without informing him. This amendment is of great importance because in some countries the government forces its people to house their soldiers.

  15. One amendment is the first amendment, the right of freedom of speech, assembly, press and religion.This is one of the very important amendment.Without this amendment people today would not have the right to speak as they wish or believe in whatever religion they want.Also people now can say what they want, express their feelings in a way where they cant get in any trouble.

    Another important useful amendment would be the right to trial by jury.Without this law many innocent people would be in jail for others mistakes. This gives you an opportunity to have a fair trial.This means your verdict is not only based on one person(judge) but 12 people (jury)
