Monday, October 4, 2010

Web Quest (a.k.a Extra Credit )

Complete the following to receive +10 on the last test:

- Find an interesting or effective Youtube video about the Articles of Confederation.
- In your comment, include the link to the video and a 1 paragraph explanation about why the video is interesting or effective.



    I found it interesting because they explained the Articles of Confederation very clearly. It taught me that they were written durning the Revolutionary War and put equal power between the 13 colonies. The 13 colonies each had a representative and it was a sign of friendship for all of them. Even though we learned about the war that started the Revolution. We didn't learn about Daniel Shays who organized farmers to protest the taxes. I thought this was interesting because it gave inside facts that we didn't learn about.


    I find this video very informative and intresting because it explains the whole idea of "the article of confederation". Such as the "Shay's Rebellion" which was led by Daniel Shay. He gathered a group of farmers which were in debt, to lead a rebellion. They wanted to protest against the taxes which were put upon then unfairly.

  3. I found this video on youtube to be very interesting and explanatory.

    In the video, the person talks about what the articles of federation are. he also gives a very explantory concept to understand them. the person says that the articles of confederation were weak, and they totally failed. he says this because there was no central authority and control in between the 13 colonies and that we needed a federal government on top of states. he explains this by giving an example of history wich a very famous rebellion called Danielle Shay's rebellion. its the rebellion of a farmer and revoulutionary war veteran wich led to people believing even more that a central, federal government was desperatley needed. this video is very interesting and should be watched by anyone interested in U.S. history


    this video was very interesting to me because it labeled important facts about the AoC, provided pictures and a interview of what seemed to be a professor, and gave names and dates that helped the rise of the more stable constitution.


    This video was very interesting. It was interesting because it was about a lot of information and names i wasn't very familiar with until now. It taught me a lot and introduced me to things i didn't know.


    the Articles reflect the wariness by the states of a strong central government. Afraid that their individual needs would be ignored by a national government with too much power,and the abuses that often result from such power,the Articles purposely established a constitution that vested the largest share of power to the individual states.


    this video is very useful because the lecturer gives a full explanation of the Articles of Confederation. he explained how the first government was introduced during the revolution, and how it was indeed the articles of confederation. He also gives a complete explanation as to how the articles of confederation was a failure as a government.


    I found this video usefull because class lessons are not as informative as it should be now adays. because the teacher is in a rush to get through the lesson, some people slack off with their attention. in this video, she explains the origin of the articles of confederation , how it was put to use and whether or not it was successful.
