Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Homework- 5/19/11

"No amount of rationalization or blaming can preempt the moment of choice each of us brings to our situation here on this planet. The lesson of the 60's is that people who cared enough to do right could change history.

We didn't end racism but we ended legal segregation.

We ended the idea that you could send half-a-million soldiers around the world to fight a war that people do not support.

We ended the idea that women are second-class citizens.

We made the environment an issue that couldn't be avoided.

The big battles that we won cannot be reversed. We were young, self-righteous, reckless, hypocritical, brave,silly, headstrong and scared half to death.

And we were right."

- Abbie Hoffman

1. Why would Abbie Hoffman write a book called "Steal this Book" ?

2. Do you agree with Hoffman's quote or is he exaggerating? Explain


  1. 1) Abbie Hoffman would have written this book to stand up for the people and their rights. That the protests were not for violence yet for everyones equal treatment and views. Hes showing that everyone put in a battle for this and that they stood up for what they believed was right.
    2) I actually agree because even if he was exaggerating a little, those people who have protested and went against what they believed were wrong, have changed and stood up for freedom. Because of their protests and disagreements , they go headstrong towards freedom, claiming they ended the battles of no rights.

    -Hannah Lee

  2. 1. Abbie Hoffman named his book "Steal this Book" because he was trying to get the message out about having a rebellion. The book contains things that are against some rules. It was rejected by 30 publishers because of the contents. So in order to get the book to the reader, the title has to captivate the attention of others, and like the meaning of the book, stealing the book is part of what he is trying to spread.

    2. I agree with Hoffman's quote because you can't be hold accountable for what is happening around you, like the choices you make depend on the situation. But if you really cared of doing the right thing, then it is possible to make change. Like you would carry out your opinion or argument on something until you get the results you wanted. But it takes more than just one person, as the quote repeatedly says "we".

    ~Jennifer Wu

  3. 1)Abbie Hoffman wrote a book called "Steal this book" to convince people to steal books that help provoke crimes. With the increase of crimes, the society would be in chaos and that was what he wanted. He wanted to start a trend of crimes, so the government would actually do something right instead of ignoring problems.

    2)I agree with Hoffman's quote because the government focuses on little problems and not focus on the actual picture. He wanted to change that and make the government do something right and make things fair for everyone. With Hoffman's action, he ended what was once a serious problem, legal segregation and discrimination.

    -Cindy Yam

  4. 1. Abbie Hoffman most likely wrote a book titled "Steal this Book" because he wanted to one, catch the attention of readers and also to advice those that picked up this book, to do exactly as he said. He basically advised his readers to live as a free man. He encouraged stealing and advocated rebelling against authority. During this time period of the counterculture, such radical acts and developing free speech were anticipated.

    2. I both agree and disagree with Abbie Hoffman's quote. For one, it does take a lot of nerve to commit to a movement like that of the counterculture. Being a mostly youth-oriented group of radicals, they did not hesitate to earn their right of free speech. I do not agree with the fact that they ended legal segregation nor did they end the idea of sending half-a-million soldiers to war without support because this idea still exists today. That much is exaggerated. Although these young, determined, radicals did bring change to the nation, it was based particularly on their culture, religion, and customs.

    -Rebecca Ramdeholl, Pd. 5

  5. 1. Abbie Hoffman most likely wrote the book called "Steal this Book" because events such as theft,drugs, street fighting,etc were part of the swinging 60's. This 'tell-all' book is a survival guide for anarchists. To be rebellious against the government. He 'tells it like it is' for people of this era. Perhaps an optimistic view on how to get by on freebies,schemes, and other useful facts of this time.

    2. I agree with Hoffman's quote and I don't see it as an exaggeration on his part. It's true, the ideologies that people had became a pathway for the people who were ostracized in certain situations. History did change to people who deserved their rights and the environment which needed attention and greater care. He made it crucial to point out that people weren't forced to change their opinions, but to those who did and supported the change were what was done right.
    -Chatwadee Kumchumnan
    Period 5

  6. 1. Abbie Hoffman would title this book "Steal this Book" because in the time period of the 60's it was the period of doing this different and irrational. Naming this book that is very irrational and different so Abbie could have been trying to related the title to the time period. Abbie Hoffman also could of possibly title this also to emphasis being different or having a different opinion can change things for the better.
    2. I do agree with Hoffman's quote, his is actually the most equivalent and accurate to what to place. Racism wasn't ended but legal segregation was makes everything about this quote correct. I agree entirely with hos quote Hoffman quoted the reality of the situation.
    - Jazmine Hamlet

  7. Abbie Hoffman wrote Steal the book to teach the readers a manual of survival in the prison that is Amerika. It preaches jailbreak. It shows the readers where exactly how to place the dynamite that will destroy the walls. The first section lays out a potential action program for our new Nation. The chapter headings spell out the demands for a free society. A community where the technology produces goods and services for whoever needs them, come who may. One learn how to use toothpaste as glue, fashion a shiv out of a spoon and build intricate communication networks. Also learn the only rehabilitation possible-hatred of oppression.

    I agree with Hoffman's quote because even thought changes starts long ago, but the 60s is highlight of the changes. More ideas were developed, and more questions are being asked. Even thought they can't end the idea of racism, they make everyone equal by ending legal segregation. They make America realized that they can't interfere in all the problems that is going around the world, they have their own problems to solve in their country. Let people know that women have the same rights as men. They let the country notice the environment issues. They know they have to do so because it is what they believed is right.
    ---Angela Chen

  8. 1. Abbie Hoffman probably called the book "Steal this Book" so people can wonder why he would name it that. Having them thinking this might have them thinking what is so important about this book that they would need to steal it. Some may have stolen it, but others who didn't take it literal may have bought it. Once they read it they would know the reasons behind the naming of the book.

    2. I agree with Hoffman's quote. They did what they needed to achieve what they wanted. With everything they did they achieved a lot out of it, things that they should and were proud of, such as ending the ideas that people though were unfair, women being second-class citizens for example.
    -Dowin Torres p5

  9. 1. Abbie Hoffman wrote a book called 'Steal this book' because he challenged conformity and in his book he talks about the counterculture. Abbie hoffman talks about the positive impact it had on america.He explains how they ended segregation, made the environment a priority, and opposed the war in Vietnam.

    2. I agree with Hoffmans quote, nothing can be done unless people cared enough to do the right thing. If they did not take action in the 1960's against what they thought was convectional back in the day america could be a different place today

    -Camilo Jimenez

  10. Nigel.Nembhard I Think that abbie hoffman Made a Book Called 'Steal This Book' Because he wanted To Shock the public with his ideas on the world. I think he named the Book 'Steal This Book' because it has a Controversial name that would shock the Public abbie hoffman wanted to introduce this new hippie lifestyle to the American Public and government. I agree with Abbie Hoffman's quote because I feel as if a lot of the things he was saying was the main truth the 60s impacted and changed america in many positive ways. The 60s Made fighting for your rights something that shouldn't be choice but a must thing to Do.

  11. 1. Abbie Hofman would write a book called "Steal this Book" because he doesn't think that it should be bought cause he expresses his feelings towards everything that is happening. Examples like the Civil Rights movement and segregation and he thought everyone should read about it and not go around not knowing about it.

    2. i Do agree with Hoffman's quote because everything bad that has was because of pride we went in all the wars and the South with giving African-Americans their freedom.Even with all the good things that has happened to the people of the U.S. not everyone follows the rules and follows them.

    - Kevin Gamarra

  12. 1. Abbie Hoffman wrote a book called "Steal This Book" because his book taught his readers to basically live for free. Many people followed his advice and actually stole the book.

    2. I agree with Hoffman's quote because only the people who actually care and put their all into trying to change a situation and can make a difference in society. Those who don't care won't do anything to help change the world and everything stays the same.

    -Karina Lara pd 5

  13. 1) Abbie Hoffman probably wrote the book "Steal this Book" in order to attract the readers' attention. Hoffman really wanted people to consider what was written inside and wanted to prove the differences made throughout the time. Those that cared enough to improve the lives of others, actually changed history during the 60's.
    2) I agree with Hoffman's quote because in reality as much as people tried to end racism, it was not made possible. However, legal segregation did come to an end after a period of protesting and demanding of obtaining rights. People formed groups and organizations that couldn't be avoided. They forced the ending of segregating genders and races. All that happened could not be reversed and Hoffman is right in that statement.

    -Navjeet Kaur-Pd 5

  14. 1) Abbie Hoffman wrote this book called "Steal this Book" because it shares the goals of the 60's. More like the outcome of the 60's. It shares what they felt. If you read the end of the quote "The big battles that we won cannot be reversed. We were young, self-righteous, reckless, hypocritical, brave,silly, headstrong and scared half to death" This portrays there feelings about the 60's. I can tell why the title is called Steal this book, because he wants you to steal it and read it, because its so important to know what they have accomplished and the feeling they went through.

    2) I agree with the quote because it tells us that through this everything impossible is possible. Like for instance it they didn't need a huge war for them to end segregation. This quote tells you that everything is possible, but you are going to have a lot of feelings. It shows that things aren't impossible.

    Philip Hwang Pd5

  15. 1.) Abbie Hoffman wrote the book called "Steal this Book" because he felt as if her rights were stolen. So if he wrote it called steal this book, she cant steal the verisimilitude in altitude, depicted in this book. To avoid any more daunting presence by racism. To do right is to not steal the truth, to do right is to change history.

    2.) I agree with this quote because with messed up phases comes correcting changes. Battle contested for self righteous action no racist faction. The equality created in America cant be changed or stolen. So steal that book of truth!

  16. 1. I think maybe he might have wrote a book with this title because of the situation, and what was happening there. Due to legal segregation that they were facing, women being second-class citizens.He wanted to bring the point across that people who cared enough would want to take charge and change history.

    2. I agree with his quote because he is explaining the changes made, and what was done because of it. He says the big battles that we won cannot be reversed. He describes it as being young, self-righteous, reckless, hypocritical etc. I don't think he is exaggerating, he's simply expressing his feelings.

    Purna Talukder, period 5

  17. 1.He wrote a book called steal this book simply because he wanted to get his idea through to people. the term "steal this book" might mean that he wanted them to take it and read it no matter what and for the people to look at his realization.
    2. I agree with Hoffmans quote because hes right, people have tried to cahnge and do things for the better. All of our progress and choices were for a better life. We ended everyone thinking less of each other and we've made more peace within ourselves by naming all of us equals. We also stopped sending soldiers to war that they did not want to defend. THis was all for the better and we were right to do so.

    -Tyrone Ponce

  18. 1. The reason behind Abbie Hoffman's choice in titling the book "Steal This Book" was to capture people's attention and get them to read the book . Hoffman purpose was to get people to act irrational and rebel against the occuring events in the 60's and the title is a way to sort of give off his purpose .

    2. I can pretty much say I agree with Hoffman's quote only because during the time period he was living in , the government kinda turned the other way to the big social problems going on and they didn't really do much . Making a change takes choices and choices lead to actions and once actions are taking place , change takes place .

    Michelle Velez
    Pd 05

  19. 1) I believe that Abbie Hoffman chose the title "Steal This Book" as a way of advertisement for the book itself. He wanted there title to grab peoples attention and while he might not have actually wanted people to steal he was trying to portray that the book showed a lot that needed to be read.
    2) I agree completely with Hoffman's quote because the 60s was a period of radical thinking and change. It was a decade of non stop nation changing events that proved the people of America are the ones who run the country. -Max Benyaminov
