Sunday, May 1, 2011

Homework- 5/4/11

How to Survive an Atomic Bomb

Click on the link for the image. If you have trouble with the link, type in "how to survive an atomic bomb" in Google Images.

1. Why would an insurance company (Mutual of Omaha) create this poster?

2. How would Americans in 2011 respond to this poster? Would they take it seriously? Explain

Each answer must be at least 1 paragraph (total: 2 paragraphs).


  1. An insurance company would create this poster to make everyone feel safe from the atomic bomb. The insurance company can also make this poster to take advantage of the nervous civillians. Having civilians know that their company can cover medical bills, they insurance will get more customers and have good business.

    Americans in 2011 will think this poster is a complete joke and the insurance company that released this poster are complete idiots. Technology has advanced since the 1950s and today, we know that we can't protect ourself from the atmoic bomb buy hiding under furniture. Now that we are more advanced than 50 years ago, we know the truth on how the atomic bomb can be hazardous to us.

    -Cindy Yam

  2. 1) An insurance company ( Mutual of Omaha ) created this poster because not only to show people how to protect themselves during the nuclear war time yet also to avertise that Mutual of Omaha will provide everyone with economical income protection insurance.
    2)In my opinion 2011 is more advanced then the past. Meaning, if theres a bomb threat or if they were being attacked with a bomb, they would do what the poster said but now in this present-time, theres a thing called Bomb Shelters and many other protection ways out there that can help a person during need.
    - Hannah Lee

  3. 1. This poster for Atom Bomb Safety awareness is provided by the insurance company Mutual of Omaha probably due to simple advertising. The company used the fear of the nuclear age to scare people into buying life insurance with certain policies.

    2. While in the year 1951 a poster like this scared people and instilled an urgency for constant awareness within them, nowadays this poster would be laughed at. While it's good to advertise awareness the fact of the matter is that the steps shown in the poster would not help if an atom bomb did detonate and Americans these days have an understanding of that.
    -Max Benyaminov Period 5

  4. 1. An insurance company would create this poster because they're assuring people that they'll be safe if they follow the steps provided and people at that point in time would feel comfortable to know that this insurance company , which cover health and accidents is the one giving them these guidelines in case of another catastrophy .
    2. In all honesty , I took one look at this and though it was a political cartoon or a mockery . People today wouldn't take these guidelines to what to do as serious today just because we have the mentality that a nuclear war is far from occuring and because the whole idea of actually thinking we could survive one of present day's nuclear bombs , is ridiculous .

    Michelle Marie Velez
    Pd 05

  5. The insurance company created this poster in order to prevent people from becoming destitute when by misfortune the money maker in the family can no longer work anymore cause by the damage of the Atomic bomb. The poster also teaches people how to serve a atomic bomb for perhaps different reasons. First, when a person is disabled, the insurance company ending losing money instead of making money, because they have to provide money to families who are destitute. Second, when one buys an insurance, the company could only make money while the families are still able to support themselves, yet paying for mouthy insurance fees.

    I do not think American in 2011 will take the poster seriously anymore. As for now day, technologies are extremely powerful. People can be protected somehow be the use of machineries. Also, from all those knowledges one learned in schools, knowing that by the inane actions sawed on the post will not help one from surviving a atomic bomb. Perhaps, it might end up causing more damage. -Angela Chen

  6. 1. Mutual of Omaha would create this poster to spread awareness on how to protect yourself from an atomic bomb dropping. Also shows how likely an Atomic bomb dropping is. They made this posted because they are a health insurance company.

    2.Americans in 2011 would not take this posted seriously. We all know the damage an atomic bomb could do. We know today that dropping and covering will not save you from an atomic bomb.

    - Camilo Jimenez

  7. 1) An insurance company would create this poster because it attracts more people to them. During the Cold War everyone was filled with fear of not knowing when or where they can be attacked. So obviously then was the best time to sell insurance, who wouldn't want to make sure things well taken care of if something had happened to them.

    2) In 2011, Americans would question a lot of these techniques. They probably wouldn't even take it seriously and just consider it as another advertisement.

    -Rebecca Cipriana

  8. 1. In this case Mutual of Omaha as well as other insurance companies would create this poster to remind people that the atomic bomb exists and they should get insurance. And the reason why an insurance company would want to remind people of the atomic is to gain money. Mutual of Omaha not only explained that people should buy their insurance but they showed what should be done if a bomb is dropped and I believe that is an tactic to show citizens that Mutual of Omaha cares about their safety. So if citizen see this poster the goal is to buy Mutual of Omaha insurance and because the atomic bomb was a big worry many people would invest money into this type of insurance. The atomic bomb was the main subject during this time so the citizens would feel almost obligated to buy insurance and this poster would lead them to sway to Mutual of Omaha.
    2. Americans in 2011 are more educated in the subject of atomic bombs so we would look at their examples of how to protect themselves from the bomb and think it’s a joke. In the process of thinking it’s a joke they would have no other choice to believe this is a rip off. I also believe that many of us Americans have a lot of faith in our government and believe that the chance of an atomic bomb being launched would be very difficult almost impossible. Also now and days us Americans to be honest don't really act on ads we see, we are more so quick to act on recommendations so just seeing that ad would not appeal the people in 2011.
    - Jazmine Hamlet

  9. 1) Mutual of Omaha created this poster because they wanted to provide informations on how to survive during an Atomic Bomb attack. They also wanted to provide a financial security for people who are suffering from the war. They wanted to help the people who got taken off from their job if they have a sickness or accident. They wanted to secure and benefit them and give them cash monthly income even if they don't have a job.

    2) Americans in 2011 would be glad to see this poster because it is hard to find jobs in today's society. Economy is not as good as it was before. Everyone is working hard for money to survive. They would be happy to receive money monthly if they don't have a job and income. They would also be aware of the Atomic Bomb and follow directions on the poster.

    -Priscilia Phang (US History, 5th period)

  10. The Mutual of Omaha would create this poster to have people be more aware of the atomic bomb.The atomic bomb is known to cause massive destruction and can be very deadly.The effects of the atomic bomb would have people depending on insurance. In order to keep their money, insurance companies wanted to keep people alert and protected ahead of time, so in my opinion, they gave them tips on how to survive an atomic bomb.
    Americans in 2011 would ignore the survival tips provided on the poster. They would probably consider the poster a joke and not take it seriously because today people are more educated about what the real effects of an atomic bomb are. America is more technologically advanced today and in order to survive an atomic bomb, they would not consider dropping to the floor or curling up, but would rather try to escape the endangered area. -Navjeet Kaur Period 5

  11. An insurance company (Mutual of Omaha) may create this poster to lure in potential customers by displaying their knowledge of what to do if they were ever hit with an Atomic Bomb. Showing their concern and "know-how" Americans would feel the insurance companies can serve as their "security blanket" and will be safe and properly taken care of by their specific insurance company (Mutual of Omaha) in the midst of a crisis.

    Americans in 2011 would not take this poster seriously. They wouldn't take this poster into consideration because with the knowledge we now have about Nuclear weapons and the calibar of it's destruction, Americans would know the pre-cautions displayed as well as the intrustions given would not help in the situation of an Atom Bomb being dropped. Americans would think this poster is irrelevent and foolish.
    -Jasmine Davis

  12. 1. The insurance company (Mutual of Omaha) created this poster to make a profit. This scheme was intended to gain more clients if they can ensure that they could help you survive a crucial situation such as an atom bomb. In 1951, atom bombs were the world's greatest fear. If there was a guarantee to overcome this prolonged nightmare, people would trust in the insurance company with their lives and money.

    2. Americans in 2011 would laugh it off because of the absurdity of the poster. They show a man covering his face with his hand, which will do absolutely nothing to protect you. In reality, you're most likely not to survive an atom bomb, especially if you're anywhere near it. Even if you're not in distance, radiation will spread through the air. It's incredulous to think that wearing light clothing will cause you less harm. What would you do with your darkened clothing? This advertisement is ridiculous!
    -Chatwadee Kumchumnan
    Period 5

  13. 1. The Mutual of Omaha created this poster because during that time, the atomic bomb was a threat to them. The bomb can be landed at any time without warning. Many lives can be lost. So they created this poster as a guide to hope that some people will survive.
    2. Americans in 2011 would think this poster is outrageous. They would think that the government should be in charge of security and their safety. They probably wouldn't take it seriously because they don't think it will actually happen. They don't want to live life thinking that they are in danger.

    ~Jennifer Wu

  14. 1. an insurance company would create a poster like this so they can avoid any deaths or injuries. Another reason why they would create a poster like this so more people would join their insurance company because it shows people in the world that they know what they are doing if a nuclear bomb does go off.

    2.Americans in 2011 wouldn't take the poster seriously because since we already used the bomb and tested it we know there is no way to avoid a nuclear bomb and there is no real way to protect yourself if a nuclear bomb does hit you unless your really far away even then you shouldn't look at the explosion. i think some Americans would laugh at the poster because it's dumb because all of that cannot prevent safety from a nuclear bomb

    - Kevin Gamarra

  15. 1. an insurance company would create this posters to make the citizens buy their insurance because incase of an atomic bomb attack their families would be secure with money if the head of the family dies. Also to if compnaies put a source of fear on the citizens the citizens would insure their futures with that insurance company

    2. well since now in 2011 citizens have more knowledge of wat an atomic bomb can do to a body. so if a poster was o be taken out now like this one, no one would pay attention, they would laugh because protecting youre self with your hads on youre face would not prevent exposure to the harmful radiation levels.

    Luis Amesquita

  16. 1. An insurance company (Mutual of Omaha) would create this poster for several reasons. In order to prevent the paranoia of atomic bombs, drills and routines were created. Because most Americans were unfamiliar with the effects of nuclear bombs, they saw taking such precautions as a positive thing. Insurance companies like Mutual of Omaha, however, were only making matters worse by lying to the American people because this would not actually cause them to survive an atomic bomb. An atomic bombing is not something that can be escaped from by curling up or prepared for, when it hits it destroys literally anything and everything.

    2. Americans in 2011 would respond to such a posture as being a complete hoax. Americans today know that these drills could not save anyone from an atomic bomb because once bombed, there's complete destruction. This poster would most definitely not be taken seriously; people of this day and age are not as naive and ignorant to such things. Atomic bombs require serious precautions.

    -Rebecca Ramdeholl, Period 5.

  17. An insurance company would create a poster like this in order to create a sense of hope and protection to US citizens because many feared the Soviets would use one against them and start a nuclear war.

    Americans would take this poster as a joke because the reality is those procedures would not protect anyone from an atomic bomb. Now and day America has new technology and are more advanced so they would find more efficient ways for protection against atomic bombs and reinsurance companies would not have to create posters with procedures that would be useless during an actual bomb.

    -Ciara Diaz

  18. The insurance company could have made this poster so that people would think there's hope, in the case of an atomic bomb. It could act as a sense of safety for them, to think that in the case of an atomic bomb there was a way for them to live. It is also important to let people know what to do ahead of time, that way they can reduce the overall amount of panic that a bombing would ensure. It made the people believe that there was something they could do, that they wouldn't just die if a bomb dropped.

    In 2011, this poster would not be taken seriously. Now that we all know the dangers of radiation we know that just throwing yourself on the floor and covering your head wont do anything. The public knows that radiation doesn't just go straight, they know that the only way to protect against it is to get as far away from it as possible. The poster, back then, would have been appreciated. Though now, it would be laughed at. Nothing said on that poster couldn't protect someone from radioactive poisoning.

    - Victoria Bastidas

  19. 1.) An insurance company created the poster on Atomic Bomb survival for survival in case of the bomb hits. Duck and cover, to save many lives or give hope from it to attempt life's safety. Mutual of Omaha, probably also wanted to have this public service. The quality and aspects of it are to survive from the fallout after the explosion. Its a health and accident, for economic purposes as well. They made a great thing in case a bomb would surface.

    2.) Americans would take note due to the soviet threats. They probably let this notice diffuse into society. The Americans now adays would take this sort of seriously, this is a brutal age.Anything can happen, bombs, war breakouts, and then Atomic Bombs. If Atomic bombs were going M.A.D, then this would be a key aspect for survival. If it helps of course, people hopefully would read it carefully.

    -Jeremy Torres

  20. 1) Mutual of Omaha created this poster because it helps and give incite to people, what the nuclear bomb can do. This postor also could have been created for safety issues and also that parnoid feeling. America really night be scared that the nuclear bomb will come. If I was the insurance company I will create this poster to give people in the U.S hope that there's still ways to live if the bomb does drop.

    2) if people of 2011 see this poster they will laugh because it's non sense. I believe that if the bomb drops, no one will live. You wouldn't live because of the improvement of the technology. So this poster will be joke to the people of 2011.

    Philip Hwang pd 5
