Sunday, May 1, 2011

Homework- 5/2/11

Cold War Cartoon

- Find a Cold War political cartoon (use Google Images to search).
- Post the link to the cartoon and explain the message of the cartoon in at least 2 paragraphs.

If you have any trouble posting the HW, you can email it to: 



    What this political cartoon is trying to say to the people viewing it is that president Kennedy & Khrushchev were at a constant struggle with one another . They're both sitting on top of their nuclear weapons to show that at any moment either of them could strike with it and finish each other . You see Khrushchev having more of a challenge considering how close Kennedy is to pushing the button to release his weapon .

    Michelle Velez
    Period 05

    P.s Turns out I can use my neighbor's wifi !


    the cartton represents the United States and Russia. the meaning and message of this cartoon is that the US and Russia are little by little helping the war to star. the melting of the ice means their actions that they are taking is setting of the war. but the war is a suicide for both the US and Rissia.

    Luis Amesquita


    The political carton of the cold war shows the president & ruler of both Russia and United States arm wrestling while having the other hand waiting to press the button to set nuclear bombs off. This shows how both sides were anticipating which side would press it first.
    It also shows both sides were trying to show as if they were not fearful and ready to press the button to set it off at anytime. But both sides were hesitant because of the possible damage the nuclear weapon can cause.

    - Ciara Diaz

  4.,r:5,s:0 The cartoon above shows Kennedy and Khrushchev arm wrestling. This symbolizes the United States versus the Soviet Union, democracy versus totalitarianism, and capitalism against communism. The fact that both leaders are sitting on top of nuclear missiles show that nuclear warfare can come about at any moment. Especially since both leaders have their fingers ready to push down on buttons that are connected to the missiles. The point of this cartoon is to show how both these powers are in turmoil and how close human devastation is. -Wayne Caison


    This cartoon is about the cold war that breakout between the political powers of democracy and communism. With the America represents the political powers of democracy and the Soviet Union represents communism. The cold war is not exactly a war with physical actions, but a war that complates everything against each other. For example, propagandas, when a country say bad stuff about the other country. Trade restrictions, when countries would not sold things to each other. Competitions in space race, sports, and the making of weapons. They also used a strategy called the proxy war, which is when a country get some other to fight with its opponent, instead of directly fight with the country. They also sends spies in to the opponent country in order to excavate the opponents secret.

    Both countries after the competition on weapons, they had developed the strongest weapon, called the nuclear weapons. However, in the cartoon, it show a American and a Russian was having a arm wrestling against each other which represents the cold war that was on, each of them are waiting for they opponent to push the start button of the nuclear weapon. Each of them were vacillating to press it themselves because they do not know how powerful their opponents weapon were. They were also afraid of the after affect it have on the world after the use of the weapon. -Angela Chen


    The cartoon above illustrates the two opposing sides fighting in the Cold War. These include the Soviets and The United States along with its allies. The two sides had different ideologies, in which the U.S wanted to spread democracy and the Soviets wanted to dominate Europe with communism.
    Both sides were loaded with mass destruction weapons that they were ready to use when either side attacked. The Soviets waited on the Americans to start while the Americans prepared for attack from the Soviets. Both sides feared destruction but were geared up with their nuclear bombs in case they did need to suffer. As shown in the cartoon, the bombs were only set to be used if the enemy attacked. However, both the Soviets and Americans did not make a move because they knew it would only result in retaliation and a greater loss.


    This cartoon is showing president Kennedy and the leader of Russia the soviets Khrushchev.They are both sitting on nuclear bombs.They also have a button to press on to set the bomb.This cartoon means that Russia and the U.S were really close to bomb each other. They new they both were using nuclear weapons on each other and new it could kill many innocent people.Both new they could destroy one another in a matter of seconds they were waiting for one of them to set on the bomb first.Their was a lot of tension with the two.
    -Natalie Chirinos

  8. image:

    In the cartoon you see a big wall made of iron and there is a guy trying to get over yelling "Don't fence me in." You can also see people stuck under the iron wall and people staring at the others trying to get on one side. This cartoon symbolizes the border that seperates the Warsaw Pact, which were the countries located on the east and the NATO on the west.
    In the picture you see people trying to get on the other side by climbing or going under. I believe that symbolizes how some people didn't believe in the ideas of the region they were living on and wanted to enter the opposite side. The reason of crossing over to the other side would be to live on the side that consist of ideas they believed in. The wall looks almost impossible to crossover as you would believe it would be but just like in the cartoon people tried to get on the other side mainly the side with american ideals and did.
    - Jazmine Hamlet

    It can be seen that both John F. Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev are at a stalemate. Khrushchev was the Prime Minister of the Soviet Union and Kennedy was the President. The two men seem to be arm-wrestling while sitting on hydrogen bombs. The artist of this cartoon is probably trying to give a message that whoever loses this arm-wrestling contest triggers the opposing side's bomb. Although Kennedy seems stressed, Khrushchev is the one who is sweating bombshells during the match.
    This cartoon shows the division of Germany by the United States of America and Britain versus the Soviet Union. In the cartoon, it is clear which countries are present in Germany. The Soviets with communism versus America's democracy. These political factors brought great conflict in the Cold War. Rebecca Ramdeholl, Period 5.


    In this political cartoon about the Cold War, you see the President of the USA butting heads with the leader of USSR over a cliff. Behind them you see that each one has a nuclear missile pointed at the other.

    I feel that the cliff they're standing over signifies that if one of them was to take another step towards a nuclear war, it would lead to the death of them. If the Soviets and the Americans committed to a nuclear war, no one side would stop until the entire world was destroyed. Both sides would eventually "fall off the cliff".

    -Victoria Bastidas

  11. 1)

    2) The Soviets were not far behind the US in developing the atomic bomb and accomplished it in 1949. Once the Soviet Union successfully tested the atomic bomb, the arms race was on. Both the Soviet Union and the United States continued to seek weaponry advantages in numbers, speed and distance.

    MAD (mutually assured destruction) was designed to keep both sides from "pushing the button," by giving both sides equality in "kill power." It is a military strategy and national security policy. MAD assumes that each side has enough nuclear weaponry to destroy the other side and that either side, if attacked for any reason by the other, would retaliate with equal or greater force.

    -Priscilia Phang, (US History, 5th period)


    Kennedy and Krushchev by Herbert Block

    JFK came to office at a period in which American-Soviet relations were at their most strained, a tension which would eventually erupt in the form of the Cuban Missile Crisis.This cartoon was drawn shortly after the Missile Crisis. This cartoon depicts John F. Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev trying to contain nuclear war, which is in the form of an angry beast trying to escape.

    Kennedy and Khrushchev are the protagonists, working together to stop the evils of nuclear war. The caption "lets get a lock for this thing" tells us that the US and the Soviet Union didn't want to face the devastating consequences of nuclear war. Both men are sweating as they try to lock the box, implying that nuclear war is hard to "lock away," because nuclear weapons are becoming more present as science improves.

    -Rebecca Cipriana
    period 5


    srry it wouldn't let me paste the cartoon.

    this cartoon shows a arm wrestle between 2 very strong people. their names were JFK and Khrushchev . they both had high stakes against each other. both of them had had nuclear weapons,bombs,etc. enough to bring doomsday itself. it shows how they are both arm wrestling which means who ever wins the game wins the cold war. both of them looks like their struggling because they can both cause the same amount of damage to each other. thats what this caroons describing.
    -suraya krishnan


    This political cartoon is between Khrushchev and Kennedy. Kennedy represents the U.S. and Khrushchev represents the U.S.S.R. Both leaders are sitting on a nuclear weapon that their military has. The arm wrestling signifies which country will dare to attack first and destroy their country. Both Kennedy and Khrushchev have a lot of tension between them because they don't want to be the ones who lose the war and their own country gets destroyed. The button both leaders are pointing at represents that they are ready to attack and be the first to use the nuclear weapons
    and they will bomb to destroy their country.

    -Karina Lara pd 5


    This cartoon drawn during the cold war
    portraits a Bear trapped in ice, which of
    course symbolizes the fierce aggression
    of war. Meanwhile just below the ice-bear
    is what seems to be a Russian officer with
    lit match thawing out the bear.

    The action of thawing out the ice-Bear
    could be considered the level of appeal
    towards war with the US. A a noticeable character found in the cartoon is the man
    labeled "Russia" this man alone resembles
    none of the leaders during the war but
    still showed the approval of unfreezing the
    "beast" the russian people/politicians where
    ready for war.



    This political cartoon shows a large animated Atomic bomb dictating how things should be to a table of world leaders. From the moment the U.S detonated the first atomic bomb in Japan it set off an atomic age and between Russia and the U.S, an atomic arms race. What this basically means is that both sides began to build as many nuclear weapons as possible to try and scare the other. What both sides understood but didn’t want to acknowledge was that as soon as one side fired it would lead to the destruction of the world.
    Mutually Assured Destruction or M.A.D. for short is the term that was affiliated with the Cold War and the nuclear arms race. If either Russia or the U.S fired an atomic bomb the other side would retaliate and back and forth it would go until there was nothing left of the world. The cartoon depicts an animated atomic bomb as to show how the power of what would happen was in the hands of the nuclear weapons and only World Peace could, in theory save the world. -Max Benyaminov



    During the cold war, M.A.D.(Mutually Assured Destruction) actually avoided the huge conflict between the United State and Russia. Both Russian and the American sides are each others' nuclear power therefore none of them attacked first.


    This cartoon demonstrates the two powers going head to head. Kennedy and Krushchev arm wrestling shows that their in a disagreement and that the soviets and the U.S. were in war. The Cold war was fought through weapons and there was no contact between the actual soldiers.
    In the early 1960s tensions rose and we were at the peak of starting another nuclear war which would have killed billions.

    -Tyrone Ponce
    pd. 5


    In this cartoon, it shows John F. Kennedy arm wrestling with Nikita Khrushchev. They are in the Cuban Missile Crisis. Former President, Eisenhower told Kennedy "the failure of the Bay of Pigs will embolden the Soviets to do something that they would otherwise not do." The half-hearted invasion let premier Nikita Khrushchev to think that Kennedy was indecisive, as well as "too young, intellectual, not prepared well for decision making in crisis situations...too intelligent and too weak."
    In February 1962, U.S. launched an embargo against Cuba. In August of the same year, U.S. suspected the Soviets building missile facilities in Cuba. Soon, Senator Kenneth Keating got a message from Cuban exiles in Florida that the Soviets are constructing a missile base in Cuba. There was threat of Mutual assured destruction. Soviets balked at the U.S. demands but secretly initiated to resolve the crisis.

    ~Jennifer Wu (Torng)


    The Cold War political and economic tensions are raised due to the aggression to spread ideas. The separation of the 2 ideas of US and USSR. The Communism is on the left bed, classified to make the communists seem to be in poverty, terrorism, dictatorships, disconnected and in WMD. America is drawn to be in tranquil, its lucky to be separate because battles can be a possibility. The severity of this issue from both sides was a main goal to diffuse their ideas into non aligned countries. The Cold War tensions can be also contagious in the spread of both ideas if the Gap was together.
    The aspects that the Americans want to be spread is freedoms, capitalist ideas, which in this cartoon seems to be in peace. The Communism would lead to all the issues of the 5 children awakened. The separation also can be the Berlin Wall which played an exteremely important role in the Cold War. The tensions raised from the Red hammer was their over zealous ambitions overseen by America. It had to be contained in Americas perception, thus they kept a side of Germany Democratic.

    -Jeremy Torres


    This political cartoon shows the tensions between Russia and the United States. Well this photo is the aftermath of the cold war, but it still shows the seriousness of the two countries. This political cartoon is important because during the cold war, there was a lot of reasons for nuclear warfare. In this picture it shows JFK and Krushchev which are leaders of the countries. The message of this cartoon is that it trying to tell the two countries that nuclear warfare can happen if both don't stop. As you can see JFK has his finger almost touching the button. Its like a alert message.

    philip hwang pd 5


    This political cartoon shows Krushchev (Russia) and JFK (United States) in an arm wrestling match. Neither side looks stronger than the other according to the sweat and determination that appears on each opponent's faces. The sweat that forms also represents the extremity of the situation. Although,neither sides are willing to fold at this point.

    Their fingers are lingering over the button that activates the atomic bomb. It appears that if one would press their button the bomb would automatically be sent.Considering that they're sitting on the opposing side's atomic bomb, when the bomb is sent, it would cause their enemy to fall backwards. In other words, the effects of the bomb would cause the opposite side to collapse or crumble.

    -Chatwadee Kumchumnan
    Period : 5

    This political cartoon is about the cold war. The picture explains how both sides are equipped with the same type of weapons. The nuclear weapons are reserved behind the fighting soldiers to express that both sides have nuclear weapons as a back up weapon when things are to go bad.
    Both sides have an equal amount of soldiers using the same type of weapon. This shows that the war will go no where and no one will win. It also shows how they are waiting for one side to use their nuclear weapons first before they use their own.

    -Cindy Yam


    After the second world war, Russia and the United States became enemies. If peace was not agreed upon a "hot war" would come into play, meaning devistating weapons would be used, introducing the M.A.D. theory. If both countries used an atomic bomb and/or nuclear weapons in the retaliation against eachother it would create Mutually Assured Destruction, which could potentially destroy all of mankind. That fear is the reason for the "cold" war.
    This cartoon displays peacemakers from both America and their allies and Russia and their allies at a "coming to peace" meeting. The Atomic Bomb symbolizes what all of the men fear and with the presence of the Nuclear weapon peace must be the outcome or it could be the begining of a devistating Nuclear War.

    -Jasmine Davis


    This political Cartoon shows the cold war and the fight for power, you can see they are fighting for power since the united states and russia are arm wrestling on top of the world. This cartoon basiclly shows that the cold war was too see who was more powerful.

    -Camilo Jimenez pd 5

    This political cartoon has JFK representing america and the bald man representing the Soviet Union. The arm wrestle is symbolic for their competiveness over which nation is stronger.
    They appear to be sitting on nukes. They are both hovering their fingers over a button which will probably send the nuke to the oposing nation. Whoever wins the arm wrestle will win the war, but it seems to be a stalemate.
    -Dowin Torres
